So, you want to get your team trained in Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing. You know that knowledge will improve your workflows and help your business grow. But what sort of training is best for your people? Who can get the job done? You need a plan.
We are here to help.
We know that training your staff puts a short-term strain on your business. Every hour in training is an hour that your people aren’t out on the floor, making the things that make you money. That’s why we’ve spent years refining our custom GD&T live training programs to make them as short, efficient, and effective as possible. We get more done in two days than our competitors do in three – and that single day can mean tens of thousands of dollars of additional revenue in regained productivity. Plus, because our program is tailored to teach the GD&T knowledge that applies directly to your business, you’ll see the benefits immediately -- sometimes even while the training is still happening!
Our GD&T Live Training Process
Our GD&T Live Training Process

GD&T Basics’ mission is to simplify the complex engineering world. We’re realists. We want to help your people get things done, not help them memorize engineering standards.
Other GD&T training programs teach the entire ASME Y14.5 standard and preach the importance of perfect adherence to the standard. Our instructors know that standard backwards and forwards, and while we recognize the benefits of comprehensive knowledge and theory, the reality is that your team will actually use just 10-20% of the standard when manufacturing and inspecting parts.
Our custom GD&T training is built to teach the 20% of the standard that’s relevant to your business, to your team. We make sure that your people integrate what we teach and are able to use it to solve the real-world problems they face every day. Our trainers are ASME certified, but your people don’t need to be. They just need to know the things that will make them better at their jobs.
We have a good plan to do just that, and we execute it rigorously.
Tailored Training to Your Needs

Because our instructors know the full standard, we can curate the GD&T information relevant to your business. And from the moment we start working with you, our five-step process ensures that we discover what you need and implement a training program that meets those needs.
1. Consultation
It starts with a phone call to help us understand your business and your requirements. We learn about your product(s), the drawings you’re currently working on, how many employees you have, what those employees do, and what internal and external struggles your team is facing out on the floor. We take the time to uncover your problems so we can discuss them during training and help you solve them. Our training is meant to be a gift that keeps giving – you’ll find the true value of the GD&T lessons we teach after we’re gone.
2. Customization
We incorporate drawings that your business is currently working on into our curriculum by using them as instructional examples during training. Additionally, we do an initial, anonymized test with our students at the outset of training to determine their base level of knowledge. We then curate the material in our lesson plans to both integrate the drawings and make sure we’re teaching the students concepts they don’t know, but need to know to apply GD&T in production.
3. Simplifying the Teaching Framework
After that, we simplify our teaching framework by relating the lessons from those examples back to the relevant core foundational concepts of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing. Our teaching methodology leans heavily on using examples that directly relate to the work your team does. It ensures that the knowledge we give you can be easily applied to the work you do.
4. Engaging Students in the Learning Process
Then we maximize the learning benefits by keeping your team engaged during the training. We keep engagement high through Keypoint interactive quizzes, group exercises, multimedia visual presentations, and Q&A sessions with our instructors. Our engagement practices create feedback loops that inform our approach as we go along. Throughout the two days, our instructors continually adjust their techniques and curriculum to address your team’s knowledge gaps and ensure that everyone is integrating the lessons being taught.
5. Follow-up and Support
Finally, after the live GD&T training, we have students take an exit questionnaire to provide feedback on the course and perform follow-ups with you. We also provide access to our online resources for 60-days and a digital copy of our example workbook and reference booklet for free. This enables your team to both reinforce what they have learned and access support as needed while they implement GD&T at work.
Benefits of Onsite and Live Webinar GD&T Training

Training is an investment like any other. And you’ve already decided to invest in your team. We want to make sure you get maximum return on that investment.
Our onsite and virtual programs ensure that you do.
The benefits of live and in-person instruction are hard to overstate. Being able to see student's live allows our instructors to read students’ body language. It helps us know who’s paying attention and who’s struggling, and we can hold each and every person accountable for the material being taught. The interactions that come with live training make feedback loops more efficient, which makes the learning process even more effective.
And engagement is contagious. When one team member speaks up or asks a question, it encourages others to do the same. Sometimes that dynamic prompts class-wide discussions that illuminate new perspectives on issues your team faces in production – issues that we can then directly address with our training program.
We view our students as our peers, and we know firsthand how overwhelming learning the ASME Y14.5 standard can be. Our years of experience also tell us how little of the standard is actually useful in real-world situations, and we understand the frustration of having to learn the information you don’t need.
Good GD&T training should give you what you need, and nothing you don’t -- and that’s what our training will do for you.